Creamy Fresh Goat’s Milk🥛

What type of milk are you used to?

Milk! Which milk do like? Full cream, lite, A2, low fat, condensed, powdered, etc.

When someone asked for a glass of milk, 50 years ago in Australia, what white liquid would it contain?  Most likely Cow’s milk. I’m sure you guessed that.

What about now? Wow! This would be a longer list of “milks” – but probably not fresh Goat’s Milk, except if you’re in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, or Turkey!

What’s so inviting about fresh goat’s milk? 

Pure A2 goat protein! Its high in vitamins and minerals, with smaller protein molecules making it naturally easier to digest and has lower allergic reactions for many. Good source of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. For an interesting read on Goat’s milk nutrition verses Cow’s milk –

Enjoy a glass of fresh goat's milk!
Enjoy a fresh glass of your favourite ‘milk’! (Why note a glass of fresh goat’s milk?)

Have you tried 🐐 fresh goat’s milk? Store bought or powered goats milk tastes very different to my taste buds! Fresh milk from goats fed on lucerne and oat, is creamy and sweet! Fantastic, in my Chai tea!

Usually, we keep at least one of our does in milk for our Winter supply. This year we are having a little break from milking in the cold wintery mornings! It’s going to be frozen milk for us, it won’t be the same!

The best part about having a plentiful supply of fresh goat’s milk, is being able to use it for so many other purposes. Check out our online store for details of all our beautiful handmade Australian goat milk soaps and other products.